Inheritance Cases
Inheritance law is a field that includes the legal rules regulating how the assets left behind by a person upon his/her death will be shared among his/her heirs. In Turkey, inheritance law is based on the provisions of the Turkish Civil Code and other relevant legislation. Inheritance lawsuits, on the other hand, refer to the legal processes opened to resolve disputes arising between heirs. Here is an overview of inheritance law and some types of inheritance lawsuits:
Rejection of Inheritance:
If an heir does not want to accept the inheritance or wants to avoid the debts and obligations that the inheritance will bring, he/she may reject the inheritance. The rejection of inheritance allows the heir to formally reject the inheritance by applying to the court. With the rejection of the inheritance, the heir renounces the right of inheritance and the inheritance passes to people who do not belong to him or to other heirs.
Equalisation Cases:
Compensation lawsuits are usually filed in cases where the heirs of the inheritor violate the mandatory shares of the heirs. With the equalisation lawsuit, the legal heirs of the heir can recover the excess shares in order to ensure the fair distribution of the inheritance.
Land Registry Cancellation and Registration Cases Based on Muris Collusion:
Muris collusion means that there is fraud or malice in the transactions carried out by the heir. The deed cancellation and registration lawsuit based on the collusion of the heir is filed with the claim that the will of the heir does not reflect the true intention of the heir and harms the heirs. In this type of lawsuit, it is aimed to protect the assets of the heirs. In this direction, it is ensured that the title deed records of immovable property are corrected or cancelled.